Dental implants: smiles can be saved!


Nobody relishes the thought of losing a tooth. Missing teeth can knock your confidence and you may become anxious about the situation. Whether you’ve lost one or more of your teeth because of decay, gum disease, trauma, or other dental issues, missing teeth can affect your speech, chewing ability, and even your facial structure. However, thanks to advancements in dental technology, restoring a smile and regaining dental functionality is now possible. Dental implants in St John’s Wood, including the innovative all-on-4 technique, offer a long-term solution that can transform your oral health and bring back your beautiful smile. Here at Abbey Road Dental, a trusted dental practice with over 50 years of experience, you can find the care and expertise you need to enhance your dental health.

Causes of missing teeth

There are several common causes of missing teeth. Tooth decay, which often stems from poor oral hygiene practices and a diet high in sugary foods, can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Gum disease, another prevalent issue, can cause teeth to become loose and eventually fall out. Accidents or injuries that result in tooth damage or loss are also contributing factors. Additionally, genetic factors and certain medical conditions can predispose individuals to tooth loss.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants in St John’s Wood are used to replace missing teeth and are a permanent solution that should leave you with a smile that looks and acts like a natural one. Unlike dentures or bridges, which sit on the gums or rely on neighbouring teeth for support, implants are surgically placed directly into the jawbone. The implants are made of titanium and they act as artificial tooth roots, providing a strong foundation for your replacement teeth of either crowns, bridges or dentures, depending on how many you need to have replaced.

All-on-4 dental implants

The all-on-4 technique is an advanced dental implant procedure that allows patients to replace an entire arch of missing teeth with just four implants. This innovative approach maximises the use of available bone, making it suitable for patients with reduced jawbone density. With all-on-4, patients can enjoy the benefits of a fixed full-arch restoration, restoring not only their smiles, but also their chewing ability and confidence.

How do dental implants work?

The dental implant process typically involves several stages. Initially, a thorough examination and consultation will be conducted to assess your oral health and determine the best treatment plan. To fit the dental implants, you will only need local anaesthesia and this can be done in the comfort of our dental chair here at Abbey Road Dental, during which the implants are precisely placed into the jawbone. Over time, the implants fuse with the bone through a process called osseointegration and they should then be completely stable and immovable. Once the gums have healed around the screws, your replacement teeth, such as crowns or bridges, are attached to the implants, creating a natural-looking and functional smile.

Advantages of dental implants

Dental implants in St John’s Wood offer a number of advantages. Firstly, they provide exceptional stability and durability, allowing you to speak and eat without worrying about your teeth shifting or coming loose. Implants also promote jawbone health by stimulating natural bone growth, preventing bone loss and helping to preserve your facial structure. Unlike dentures, implants eliminate the need for messy adhesives and you won’t have to worry about taking them out at night! Moreover, dental implants are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, enhancing your smile aesthetics, which should make you feel great about having a beaming smile.

Abbey Road Dental: your trusted dental practice

Abbey Road Dental has been serving the St John’s Wood community for over 50 years, providing exceptional dental care in a family-oriented environment. The practice understands the importance of a calm and relaxing atmosphere, ensuring that your treatments are never rushed. With flexible appointment options, including Saturdays, Abbey Road Dental strives to accommodate your busy schedule. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering the highest quality care, utilising state-of-the-art techniques and technology to help you achieve optimal oral health.

So, don’t let missing teeth hold you back – discover the transformative power of dental implants and regain your beautiful smile today!