National Vegetarian Week
Which meat-free foods are best for your teeth?
A well-balanced diet is best for all-round nutrition, but most of us could do with a few more fruit and vegetables in our diet. They provide us with plenty of nutrients and minerals and there is even evidence to suggest that fruit and vegetables can help to protect against head and neck cancers.
As it is National Vegetarian Week this week, here at Abbey Road Dental we thought we would take this opportunity to put a spotlight on the best meat-free foods for your teeth. The more benefits there are to healthy foods, the more reason to get more of them on your plate, right?
Here are some of the best meat-free foods for your teeth:
OK, so it isn’t just celery that is good for the benefit we are about to give you; it can be kale, carrots, and any raw crunchy vegetable really. What is the benefit? Natural teeth cleaning! These veggies perform a natural scrub when you chew them, removing food debris and plaque as you chew. They don’t replace brushing your teeth, but they definitely help with oral health more than other foods when you chew them.
Cheese & Milk
Cheese and milk is naturally high in calcium which is great for the teeth and helps keep them strong. If you abstain from dairy as well as meat, it isn’t all bad news. Lots of dairy free milks and free-from dairy products are fortified with calcium and other vitamins.
Leafy Greens
Leafy greens seem to stand for health across the board don’t they? It can feel like we are healthier just looking at a piece of kale (if only that were true!). So it is no surprise that all leafy greens are good for your oral health. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and great nutrients, they are low in calories, and they are full of calcium which is great for strengthening the teeth.
Apples are fantastic for the teeth. The acid in them is thought to help whiten your teeth, the fibre and water are great for overall health. Eating an apple makes you create more saliva which helps wash away ‘nasties’ in the mouth. Because the fruit is crunchy it also means the blood flow of your gums is stimulated as you eat.
Almonds are one of the lowest calorie and sugar nuts, and they also contain lots of protein and calcium. They are a great option for the teeth because they boost the strength with the calcium they contain.
High-Water Fruit & Vegetables
Drinking water is a great alternative to drinking high sugar drinks which eat away at the teeth and cause tooth decay. If you want to boost your water intake without drinking it, you can ‘eat your water’! Watermelon, cucumber, strawberries, pineapple and grapefruit are all extremely high water fruits and vegetables. In fact watermelons and strawberries are 91 percent water!
However you choose to celebrate National Vegetarian Week, remember that it is always good to include more fruit and vegetables, and high calcium foods in your diet for optimum oral health.
If you would like more support with your oral health, or would like to book a checkup with our NW8 clinic, please call Abbey Road Dental on 02076241603 and we will be delighted to make you an appointment. Our St John’s Wood clinic is here to support your oral health, whatever your diet choice is!