It’s cold and flu season!
Oral health tips to help get you through courtesy of your St John’s Wood dentist.
As everyone starts to enjoy the festivities the colder weather brings, a few unlucky people will fall victim to the dreaded flu and colds that do their rounds at this time of year.
Lots of coughing and sniffling, aches and pains, and generally feeling under the weather – it really isn’t any fun at all is it?
Luckily these things usually pass very quickly so you’ll be back to feeling great soon enough, but in the meantime, it is important to stay on top of your oral health. You may not think about your oral health when you’re unwell, but having a cold or flu can actually affect your mouth so it is important to follow these tips to ensure your illness doesn’t have any lasting damage:
Stay On Top Of Your Oral Health Routine
Being ill can really take it out of you, but there are basic things you need to stay on top of, like your oral health routine. Just brushing twice a day for at least two minutes will help ensure bacteria and plaque is brushed away and your teeth stay in good condition.
Keep Drinking Lots Of Fluid
You must make a special effort to stay hydrated when you are unwell. Your body will be losing fluid through sweat if you have a fever, and you’ll need extra fluid to help your body work well to fight the infection. Your oral health may be affected by dehydration because it can cause dry mouth which restricts the important saliva required to wash away and neutralise nasty bacteria and food deposits that cause cavities. Drink herbal tea, water and soup to top up your hydration levels.
Ditch The Old Toothbrush
Use the same toothbrush whilst you feel unwell, but get rid of it as soon as you feel better. The bacteria that caused you to get ill can remain in the toothbrush and make you unwell again.
Gargle Salt Water
Salt water is not nice to gargle, but it is very effective at getting rid of bacteria in the mouth and throat. Dissolve about a tablespoon of salt water in a pint glass of warm water and gargle for about ten seconds at a time.
Avoid Sugary Lozenges
There are many lozenges available to temporarily help clear and soothe the nose, throat and mouth. Unfortunately these types of medication commonly have lots of sugar in them to make the taste more palatable. Consider natural remedies with less sugar in, like lemon and honey in hot water, or try and find sugar free versions.
Stay On Top Of Your Oral Health When You’re Well
If your teeth and gums are not ship shape when you get unwell, bacteria can quickly do damage and cause problems. The best way to ensure your oral health can withstand something like a cold or the flu without suffering damage, is to stay on top of your oral health every day. Brush twice a day for two minutes, visit Abbey Road Dental regularly for checkups and avoid habits like smoking and excessive drinking.
If you would like some help ensuring your oral health routine is right for you, here at Abbey Road Dental in St John’s Wood we can provide you with plenty of helpful advice. We’re here to help your smile stay healthy this cold and flu season, so if you need to book a checkup at our friendly local clinic please call us on 02076241603 and we will be more than happy to help.